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Be exceptional in your ordinariness

There are certain things you can bring to the table that mustn’t be skills

Sometimes what you can bring to the table might just be speed

Or a smile

Imagine every time you are sent on an errand you come back faster than others with a smile on your face

Another time it might be tenacity, doggedness even resilience

Your employers know that if you are asked to go and get something, you must come back with results

You don’t mind going there every day until the people get tired of you and answer you

Something that has nothing to do with programming, IT, science or Arts

You only have to distinguish yourself, not with skills but those things that doesn't require any special skills, but discipline

It could be your sound attention to details in your tasks

How good you are when it comes to noticing and picking out the minutest thing in something as simple as writing reports or taking down minutes in a meeting

Or how meticulous you are in the mail you sent, ensuring there are no errors at all

You never miss the important stuff

Everyone knows you are tenacious in carrying out assignments

You never give excuses, no matter the obstacles and challenges, you just keep going

There are so many things you can bring to the table that has nothing to do with skills

But how capable and responsible you are to details and responsibilities

Sometimes this is what you need to possess to be extraordinary ordinary

Giving you an advantage over the highly skilled staff who is prone to costly mistakes and lame excuses

You will manage and lead them by being exceptionally ordinary.

Don't just be ordinarily ordinary

Be exceptional in your ordinariness

Kingdavid Chinaeke Ofunne


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